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phpClick is developed as part of a collaborative Virginia Tech and PennState research effort ("End User Development of Web Applications") with the goal of simplifying web application development and part of a grant by the National Science Foundation (ITR EIA-0353309).
Many thanks go to Dr. Andrea Contreras, Dr. Mary Beth Rosson, Dr. Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, Julie Ballin, Betsy Blythe, B. Collier Jones, Jan Gibb, and Kaye Kriz for their support, constructive feedback, and patience for forgotten meetings and late nights.
Jochen Rode - jrode at users.sourceforge.net
Yogita Bhardwaj - yogitab at users.sourceforge.net
Jonathan Howarth - myfeetrbig at users.sourceforge.net
The WYSIWYG editor of phpClick would not have been possible without the help of Walter Zorn's suprisingly easy-to-use and powerful Javascript drag&drop library.
phpClick uses the WYSIWYG HTML editor component FCKeditor by Frederico Caldeira Knabben for all its free-form HTML input.
phpClick uses an adapted version of Thomas Andersen's color picker.
phpClick uses an adapted version of Aidan Lister's recursive copy function.
We make heavy use of David Vignoni's excellent Nuvola icon theme but have also combined some of his work to produce custom icons.
http://phpclick.sourceforge.net/ |